1. The buyer has the right to refuse the ordered product at any time before receiving it.
  2. By the fact of receiving the goods, the transfer of the software product to the buyer by providing access to downloading the software in the paid order. Information about downloading files is stored on the seller's server (website).
  3. The return of the goods after providing access to download the software is impossible due to the fact that the buyer acquires the right to use, which relates to the objects of copyright, and is not subject to return or exchange.
  4. Due to the fact that in order to familiarize with the product, the buyer is given the opportunity to check the functionality on a special demo site, the sale of an individual copy of the software on this website does not qualify as a remote method of sale that provides for the right to return the goods.
  5. The software is provided "as is". In case of malfunction of the software product on the buyer's website, we will ensure the elimination of non-functional elements of the program code if they are related to the contents of the purchased software product presented on our website.
  6. The non-operability of extensions associated with the use of third-party software products, or structural or software features of the buyer's site, as well as in case of non-compliance with the requirements (described in the product for use on the buyer's site) is not included in the elimination program within the framework of guarantees. And is subject to self-elimination by the buyer, or by ordering an additional service to ensure operability (if possible), on a paid basis.
  7. The fact of the purchase of the goods implies full awareness of the terms of the license agreement, the delivery agreement and familiarity with the right to return. Any claims based on not reading, not agreeing, not understanding the clauses of the agreements are not grounds for exchanging extensions without payment, or returning the product after its purchase.

Final provisions.

The buyer has the right to receive exclusive information that the seller can provide to ensure that the buyer is informed about a specific product, in order for the buyer to make a complete, objective and balanced decision regarding the final purchase of the goods.

WebTolk Joomla Extensions

91 Extensions
11 Categories
417 Versions released
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