WT JMoodle User synchttps://web-tolk.ru/en/dev/joomla-plugins/wt-jmoodle-user-sync
plugin for synchronizing Joomla and Moodle users. Single Sing On (SSO) for Joomla and Moodle. First of all, I want to mention an already existing solution to the same problem - Joomdle component. This extension was considered as a possible way to solve...
- Type: Project
- Category: Joomla plugins
- Language: en-GB
WT JMoodle auth for Moodlehttps://web-tolk.ru/en/dev/moodle/wt-jmoodle-auth-plagin-dlya-moodle
authorization plugin that is designed for SSO users between Joomla and Moodle. It is paired with a plugin for Joomla - WT Moodle user sync Unzip the archive to the auth folder of your Moodle installation and install it. In the settings, specify: the...
- Type: Project
- Category: Moodle
- Language: en-GB
Joomla 4 / Joomla 5 PHP library for working with the Moodle REST API. Native Joomla 4 / Joomla 5 PHP library for working with the Moodle REST API. How to use Moodle connetction library in Joomla Video (Russian language) Install and configure Moodle and...
- Type: Project
- Category: Libraries
- Language: en-GB
Form is a field for use in XML forms of Joomla extensions. Displays a select-option drop-down list with a list of Moodle courses. The Moodle REST API method The field uses the core_course_get_courses Moodle REST API method. Access rights Required access...
- Type: Document
- Language: en-GB
field will display info about your Moodle. If you see that info - your connection between Joomla and Moodle is fine. Moodle REST API method This field uses core_webservice_get_site_info Moodle REST API method. Access rights Not required. Example code
- Type: Document
- Language: en-GB
Form is a field for use in XML forms of Joomla extensions. Displays a list of Moodle REST API methods available in Joomla. The Moodle REST API method The field uses the core_webservice_get_site_info Moodle REST API method. Access rights Not required....
- Type: Document
- Language: en-GB