WT Yandex.Checkout donate module

WT Yandex.Checkout donate module

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A free Joomla donation module for legal entities using the Yandex.Checkout payment aggregator. The integration method is the API.

WT Yandex.Checkout donate module


A free module for CMS Joomla that allows you to accept donations using the Yookassa payment aggregator - https://yookassa.ru/.

Donate extensions



  • Specify the recommended donation amount and free
  • Text before the donation form
  • Purpose donation - create an unlimited list
  • Note to the donation sent to the email along with information about the payment.
  • The payment is made on the Yandex.Checkout side.
  • Your site must have jQuery enabled.

How does the donation work?

  1. You make sure that you have the right to accept donations in accordance with Your Charter.
  2. Sign a contract with Yandex.You upload scans of signed documents.
  3. You get access to the test settings and later to the combat settings.
  4. Install the WT Yandex.Checkout donate Joomla module, set up a list of donation purposes (it will be displayed in the payment details in Yandex.Checkout), specify your shopId and secret key.
  5. If the payment is successful, the money is credited to Your Bank account the day after the transaction, minus the Yandex.Checkout Commission.

Because Yandex.Checkout don't autoredirect to your site after successfull payment we can't get a payment status before sending email. You will recive all email's with payment status "pending".


Extension type:
Joomla version:
3.9, , 3.10

What's new

WT Yandex.Chckout donate v.1.1.1

Updating the PHP API of the Yookassa library.
Pay attention! De facto, this donation module is for the Robokassa payment aggregator. In the next versions, a new donation module with a different name and Joomla 4 support will be made.

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