
WT Quick links
Downloads 9762 Hits 5460 CTR 179 % Mod Free

WT Quick links

A module for quickly displaying links to categories of articles, Virtuemart, JoomShopping, Phoca Cart, a menu item or a custom link. The module allows you to create quick sets of links to various entities on the Joomla site: categories of materials, Virtuemart, JoomShopping, a menu item or a custom link. There are conditions for excluding the display of list items. You can create your own modu...

WT SEO Meta templates - Virtuemart
Downloads 5248 Hits 3535 CTR 148 % Plg Free

WT SEO Meta templates - Virtuemart

This plugin adds variables with data from Joomla Virtuemart categories and products, which can be processed by the main WT SEO Meta templates plugin. The plugin parameters allow you to set a single template for all categories and / or products, according to which the text of the <title> tag and the text of the meta tag description will be formed. If the plugin parameters are disabled com...

WebTolk Joomla Extensions

78 Extensions
11 Categories
332 Versions released
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