WT AmoCRM - JoomShopping

WT AmoCRM - JoomShopping

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Send JoomShopping order info to Amo CRM (as known as Kommo CRM)

WT AmoCRM - JoomShopping


The plugin sends the order data of the online store to Joomla + JoomShopping in Amo CRM.


  • amoCRM REST API integration using WT Amocrm libraries (must be installed for the plugin to work)
  • 37 JoomShopping fields
  • unlimited number of amoCRM fields
  • automatic creation of a transaction + contact.
  • flexible settings for matching Amo CRM and JoomShopping fields
  • choosing a funnel to create a deal
  • selecting a tag to create a deal
  • detection and transfer of UTM tags to the lead
  • 2 modes of creating leads: always and only with successful payment
  • The ability to specify a prefix for the name of the lead in amoCRM
  • The list of products of the order, the buyer's comment on the order and the total amount of the order are added to the amoCRM lead note.

Data in the lead note

Visually, the interface of the lead card in amoCRM is similar to the window of a desktop messenger, where the "chat" of the lead occupies most of the screen. Some of the information can be seen in the lead fields, which can be created in any quantity. This plugin transmits the list of order items, the buyer's comment to the order and the total amount of the order as a note to the amoCRM lead, since it is not convenient for sales managers to perceive them in the lead fields. 

transaction from Joomla to amo crm

Transferring UTM tags from Joomla JoomShopping to amoCRM

To track the effectiveness of advertising channels, links to your site in advertising systems are usually marked with UTM tags.

Is this a link to your website, at the end of which after the sign? additional parameters are passed to identify the advertising source: https://your-site.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=campaign_id_11009237&utm_content=1.2388374837&utm_term=%D0%BF

The plugin allows you to transfer information about utm tags to the lead in Amo CRM. For example, a visitor came to your site from an advertising source, visited several pages of the site and only then made a purchase. Even in this case, the data will be transmitted.

Adding the track number of the Russian Post to amoCRM

The track number is created using the extension WT SM Otpravka.pochta.ru . In the group of system plugins, it is important to set the order in which plugins are triggered so that the integration plugin with Russian Post is triggered earlier than sending an order to amoCRM. The WT amoCRM - JoomShopping plugin should work in the lead creation mode after successful payment.


Extension type:
Joomla version:
4.1, 4.3.4, 5.2.2

What's new


Payment and shipping in the deal comment

The names of the payment method, delivery, and shipping cost have been added to the transaction comment.


A little code refactoring.

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