Installing and configuring the Robokassa payment addon for Joomla 4 JoomShopping 5

JoomShopping Robokassa payment addon - Documentation
Category: JoomShopping

Complete instructions for installing, configuring, and entering a license key.

Installing the Robokassa payment addon for JoomShopping 5

The JoomShopping online store component assumes the installation of payment and delivery methods through its own "Installation and Update" section, however, this extension is installed as a Joomla extension - be careful!

Go to the section System in the left menu, in the block Installation select Extensions.

Joomla admin panel 4 - system - installation

In the window that opens, click Select the file or simply drag the extension file into the installation area.

Installing Joomla extensions 4 screenshot

The installation has been completed successfully. You will see a welcome screen.

robokassa welcome screen after installation

Setting up the Robokassa payment method for JoomShopping 5

In the left menu, select Components - JoomShopping - Options. In the section Options select Payment methods.

Payment methods section in JoomShopping 5, Joomla 4

In the list that opens, select the payment method Robokassa.

Robokassa payment method for Joomshopping 5 and Joomla 4

When setting up, don't forget to publish the payment method.

Publication of payment method Joomla 4 JoomShopping 5

For further settings, we will need data from the Robokassa personal account. 

Robokassa Personal Account

Go to the section My stores, select the desired store and click Settings.

robokassa personal account

Next, select Technical settings.

Copy the store ID, password #1 and password #2 from the Robokassa personal account to the payment addon settings on the Joomla JoomShopping side. The hash calculation algorithm is left by default - MD5.

Robokassa personal account settings

Settings on the Joomla JoomShopping side

In addition to the store ID and passwords, choose your store's tax system.

robokassa settings for jumshopping 5

Here you can also select the order statuses for successful, unsuccessful payment and for incomplete operations.

Configuring Result Url, Success URL and Fail URL

Copy the Result Url, Success URL and Fail URL from the settings of the Robokassa addon and into your personal account. 

result url, success url, fail url for joomla robokassa

Note that the method of sending data by Result Url, Success URL and Fail URLmust be POST.

General settings

In the general settings, you can specify the payment method attribute, the subject of payment attribute for goods, delivery and margins on the payment method. This is necessary for proper fiscalization (receipt formation).

robokassa fiscalization settings in jumla

This completes the setup. You can accept payments.

Test mode and logging

Test payments

Before making real payments, it is recommended to conduct test ones. To do this, copy the test password pair from the Robokassa personal account and switch the addon to test mode.

Error logging

By default, the payment addon writes to the logs all unsuccessful attempts to connect to the Robokassa server, as well as in case of receiving an erroneous InvoiceID. The logs file is located in the Joomla logs folder. As a rule, this is the administrator/logs folder. It will contain the file webtolk_jshopping_pm_robokassa.log.php . It will contain all the necessary information for the technical specialists of the Robokassa and your webmaster.

Error notifications by email

Also, in case of connection errors with the Robokassa server or receiving an incorrect InvoiceID, an email notification is automatically sent indicating the order number and id. Thus, you will receive information about payment problems immediately at the moment of their occurrence, which will allow you to eliminate them promptly.

Entering the license key

To get new versions in which new functionality and bug fixes will appear, you must have a valid license key. The license key is specified in the settings Update servers Joomla 4.

Go to the section System - Update - Update servers.

System section in Joomla 4

In the search bar, enter the word robokassa or part of it and click on the search icon. 


In the filtered list of servers, find JoomShopping Robokassa payment addon updates and click on the name.

Entering the license key in Joomla 4

In the window that opens, enter your license key and click Save or Save and close.

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