WT Last Seen products for JoomShopping

WT Last Seen products for JoomShopping

Downloads 7431 Hits 4524 CTR 164% Pack Free

A package consisting of a module and a plugin. The plugin writes the products viewed by the visitor to the cookie, and the module displays them. The plugin configures the cookie lifetime - how many days to store information about viewed products in the user's browser. From version 1.1.0 supports Joomla 4 only. This is a free analog of "Addon last visited products" from MAXXmarketing GmbH.

WT Last Seen products for JoomShopping


In the module, you can select output layouts, but we assume that the layouts require a little refinement for the needs of each specific site. The presented layouts should be considered more as a demonstration.

Module layouts list

  • default - Bootstrap 5
  • bootstrap5-card - HTML5
  • bootstrap5-card-responsive - HTML5
  • bootstrap5-media - HTML5

HTML5 products are displayed with the <article> tag. The module must be output with the <section> tag and the header must be displayed - this is included in the additional parameters of the module.

html5 outline for joomla 4 joomshopping last seen products module


Extension type:
Package composition:
File, Module, Plugin
Joomla version:
3.9, 3.10, 4.0, 4.1, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 5.2.2

What's new


Bug fixes

Bug fixes on Joomla 5.2+

WebTolk Joomla Extensions

91 Extensions
11 Categories
424 Versions released
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