WT Digitally signed PDF

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Plugin for displaying digital signature data from PDF files signed with attached signature (the signature is inside the PDF file).

WT Digitally signed PDF


The plugin allows you to output information from the electronic signature certificate from PDF files. Works with both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.

Plugin short-code


Use this shortcode in Joomla materials or where content plugins work to display data about the signatory.

You can create your own output layout in plugins/system/wt_digitally_signed_pdf/layouts. It can be either a regular link with a tooltip or an HTML5 details tag or any other. You can create the HTML layout of the layout you need yourself.

Electronic signature icon. The files are located in media/plg_system_wt_digitally_signed_pdf/img.


PHP libraries

7 libraries are required for the plugin to work:

  • Sop/ASN1
  • SOP/Crypto encoding
  • Webmasterskaya/Crypto bridge
  • Webmasterskaya/Crypto types
  • Webmasterskaya/X501
  • Webmasterskaya/X509
  • Smalot/PDFParser

All libraries prepared to work with Joomla 3 and Joomla 4 can be downloaded from this site. Links at the end of the page.

PHP Extensions

For the libraries to work correctly, check that the following extensions are included in PHP:

  • intl
  • gmp
  • mbstring
  • openssl

In the plugin settings, there is a check for the availability of the necessary libraries.

Application context

According to Russian legislation, educational institutions must upload their local documents to the website in the form of text, as well as attach them in the form of files signed with an electronic signature. This plugin allows you to solve this problem for PDF files.

Demo video (Russian language)


Extension type:
Joomla version:

What's new

WT Digitally signed PDF v.1.0.0

First extension version

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