WT JShopping products anywhere

WT JShopping products anywhere

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A package of plugins for inserting JoomShopping products into Joomla articles and modules, as well as wherever content plugins work.

WT JShopping products anywhere


A package consisting of two plugins: a content plugin and an editor button plugin that allow you to quickly and conveniently insert JoomShopping products into materials, modules and wherever content plugins work. The default layout is just a link to the product. If you change the product category (for example), the links will be corrected automatically.

The content plugin supports output layouts. This means that you can create your own output layout and provide more complete information about the displayed product: image, short description, price, number of views, rating, quantity of goods, etc. For more information, see the file plugins/content/wt_jshopping_products_anywhere/tmpl/default.php .

To create your own plugin output layout, copy the file default.php and rename it. Put your HTML layout inside the file. The layout selection will appear in the product selection pop-up window when editing the article.

Demo video


Extension type:
Package composition:
Joomla version:
3.9, 3.10.11, 4.3.0, 5.2.0

What's new


Installation errors

Fixed plugin package bugs that caused both plugins to end up in the same group. More than a year has passed since the last release and a user has just written to me about it... People, you need to be a little more active and report problems!

Changelog URL

The changelog url has been added and now you can view the changes in the extension before installation directly in the Joomla admin panel.

Changes in the editor button plugin

The editor button plugin has changed its system name. Its functionality has remained completely the same - the product selection in the modal window, but due to the new system name, you will have a kind of "new" plugin when updating. You will need to delete the old one and leave the new one. Be careful with your product display layouts if you decide to reinstall the package completely!

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