WT Telegram bot - JoomShopping

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The plugin allows you to send information about orders from the online store component for Joomla - JoomShopping to Telegram chat or channel. The shipment takes place automatically at the time of order creation. For the plugin to work, you need the installed and configured main plugin System - WT Telegram bot. It works with Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.

WT Telegram bot - JoomShopping


Plugin features

Sending notifications about JoomShopping orders to Telegram bot, chat or private messages

Demo video

Configuring the JoomShopping order sending plugin in Telegram bot

For the plugin to work, you need to install and configure the main WT Telegram bot plugin (link below the page). Go to the section System - Plugins. Use the search to find plugins WT Telegram bot for Joomla.

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First, specify the Telegram API token and chat id in the plugin settingsWT Telegram bot.

Telegram API token in Joomla settings

Select which data should be sent to Telegram:

Show the order composition
The Telegram message will show the goods and their quantity from the order
Show the number of items in the order
The message will simply show the number of items in the order.
Show the delivery method
The message will indicate the name of the delivery method and the cost of delivery
Show the payment method
The name of the payment method will be shown
Show the order status
The Telegram message will show the order status
Show the delivery address
All address data will be shown, as well as the username and contacts (phone numbers, e-mail)
Show order comment
The comment to the order will be displayed in the Telegram message
Chat ID for orders
If the chat id of the main channel, group or contact is used for the site, and another one is needed for orders, specify this chat id here. If this separation is not required, then specify the chat id in the settings of the main WT Telegram bot plugin

Settings for sending orders from Joomla Joomshopping to Telegram

Settings for sending orders from Joomla Joomshopping to Telegram

Order from Joomla JoomShopping in Telegram

JoomShopping online store orders in Telegram


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