WT Telegram bot - SW JProjects

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The plugin allows you to send SW JProjects projects and versions from the Joomla interface to a Telegram chat or channel. At the moment, manually using the toolbar button in the list or edit view. For it to work, you need an installed and configured main plugin System - WT Telegram bot

WT Telegram bot - SW JProjects


How to use?

The plugin adds a button to the Joomla interface to send information about projects, versions and documentation of projects of the SW JProjects component from Joomla to Telegram. In the list of projects, versions or documentation, select all the necessary items with the check marks and click the "In Telegram" button and the bot will publish your articles with links on your channel in accordance with the settings of the main WT Telegram bot plugin.

Joomla 5 Telegram SW JProjects component

For projects and versions, the link in the message text leads to the project. For documentation, go to the documentation page.

For versions, a short description of the project is added to the message text, followed by a Changelog.

Message form Joomla 5 SW JProjects component to Telegram screenshot

Demo video


Extension type:
Joomla version:
4.3, 5.0.0

What's new


SW JProjects 2.0.0

Added compatibility with SW JProjects 2.0.0

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