WT YOOtheme Yandex Map

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The plugin adds a Yandex Maps element to the YOOtheme page builder in Joomla. Flexible settings for the display of markers and content, clustering of labels.

WT YOOtheme Yandex Map


The Yandex element.Maps for the Joomla YOOtheme page builder.

Main features

Creating an unlimited number of balloon labels on Yandex.A map for the Joomla website.

Baloon content settings on Yandex.Map

  • title,
  • short text description,
  • image,
  • HTML content (editor),
  • link
  • custom marker icon (balloon)

Settings for displaying placemarks on the map:

  • you can hide placemarks
  • displaying a pop-up window when the page loads
  • label clustering (if there are more than 10 labels)
  • icon for the placemark cluster

Map Settings

  • map type selection: schema, satellite
  • coordinates of the map center
  • control settings:
    • map controls
    • scaling
    • dragging the map
  • default scale
  • maximum and minimum magnification
  • height of the visible screen (width and height, viewport, viewport - height)
  • marker clustering
  • marker content styling settings

Installation and configuration

The installation is performed as a regular Joomla extension - in the System - Installation - Extensions section.

Setting up and using it is within the framework of the YOOtheme constructor.


Extension type:
Joomla version:

What's new


Initial version

The first plugin version for Joomla 4 / Joomla 5

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