WT SEO Meta templates - Content

WT SEO Meta templates - Content

Downloads 12687 Hits 5526 CTR 230% Plg Free

This plugin adds variables with data from Joomla content categories and articles and their custom fields, which can be processed by the main WT SEO Meta templates plugin. The plugin parameters allow you to set a single template for all categories and / or articles, according to which the text of the <title> tag and the text of the meta tag description will be formed. If the plugin parameters are disabled completely, the it will simply generate variables that you can use when filling in the <title> and meta-description manually.

WT SEO Meta templates - Content


For this plugin to work, you need to install the main plugin WT SEO Meta templates

SEO Variables from Joomla content article for template

  • {CC_ARTICLE_ID} - Article Id
  • {CC_ARTICLE_TITLE} - Article title
  • {CC_ARTICLE_HITS} - Article hits
  • {CC_ARTICLE_CATEGORY_TITLE} - Article category title
  • {CC_ARTICLE_INTRO} - Article intro text trimmed to the specified number of characters
  • {CC_ARTICLE_AUTHOR} - Article author

Article custom fields

  • {CC_ARTICLE_FIELD_XXX_TITLE} - Field title, where "XXX" - is field id. For examlpe, {CC_ARTICLE_FIELD_14_TITLE}
  • {CC_ARTICLE_FIELD_XXX_VALUE} - Field value, where "XXX" - is field id. For examlpe, {CC_ARTICLE_FIELD_14_VALUE}
  • {CC_ARTICLE_FIELD_XXX} - Field's both title and value separated by space, where "XXX" - is field id. For examlpe, {CC_ARTICLE_FIELD_14}. If field title is "Color", and value is \"red\", then this short-code outputs "Color red".

SEO Variables from Joomla content category for template

  • {CC_CATEGORY_TITLE} - Category title
  • {CC_CATEGORY_ID} - Category id
  • {CC_PARENT_CATEGORY_TITLE} - Parent category title

Category custom fields

  • {CC_CATEGORY_FIELD_XXX_TITLE} - Field title, where "XXX" - is field id. For examlpe, {CC_CATEGORY_FIELD_14_TITLE}
  • {CC_CATEGORY_FIELD_XXX_VALUE} - Field value, where "XXX" - is field id. For examlpe, {CC_CATEGORY_FIELD_14_VALUE}
  • {CC_CATEGORY_FIELD_XXX} - Field's both title and value separated by space, where "XXX" - is field id. For examlpe, {CC_CATEGORY_FIELD_14}. If field title is "Color", and value is "red", then this short-code outputs "Color red".

Plugin settings overview

Meta tags templates for Joomla content categories

Category <title> tag

Override all <title> categories globally using the template
If enabled - all the Joomla content categories <title> will be replaced by seo tempalte
<title> tag template for Joomla content categories
This is a your own seo template for categories <title> tag in content categories.

Categories Meta-description

Override the template globally for all meta description in categories
If enabled - all the Joomla content category's meta descriptions will be replaced by seo tempalte
Override only empty meta description categories by the template.
This means if the Meta Description field in the category is not filled in.
Categories meta description template
This is a your own seo template for categories meta description in Joomla content.

Meta tags templates for Joomla content articles

<title> tag for article

Override the template globally for all articles <title>
If enabled - all the Joomla content articles <title> will be replaced by seo tempalte
Override only empty <title> products by the template.
This means if the "Browser Page Title" field in the article is not filled in.
<title> template for the Joomla content article.
This is a your own seo template for article's <title> in content. For example, "{CC_ARTICLE_ID} - {CC_ARTICLE_HITS} - {CC_ARTICLE_AUTHOR}", or any other.

Meta-description for products

Override the template globally for all meta description products
If enabled - all the Joomla content article meta-descriptions will be replaced by seo tempalte
Override only empty meta description in articles by the template.
This means if the Meta description field in the article is not filled in.
Template meta description for the Joomla content article.
This is a your own seo template for Joomla content articles meta-description.

Sample php file for custom SEO variables

File plugins/system/wt_seo_meta_templates_content/src/Extension/customvariables/customvariable.php

 * @package     WT SEO Meta Templates
 * @subpackage  WT SEO Meta Templates - Content
 * @version     1.4.0
 * @Author      Sergey Tolkachyov, https://web-tolk.ru
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2022 Sergey Tolkachyov
 * @license     GNU General Public License v3.0
 * @since       1.0
// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;

* Here we PERFORM ALL CHECKS on categories or products as we need to INDEPENDENTLY,
* in order not to try, for example, to get information about an article in the form of a category, etc.

// Add a new custom variable
$variables[] = [
	'variable' => 'YOUR_CUSTOM_VARIABLE',
	'value'    => 'Custom value for SEO variable',

 * Change a varibale
for ($i = 0; $i <= count($variables); $i++)
	if ($variables[$i]['variable'] == 'YOUR_CATEGORY_NAME')
		$variables[$i]['value'] = $variables[$i]['value'] . ' + CUSTOM VALUE FROM CUSTOM FILE';

Please note!

The provider plugin variables are only available on Content pages. In templates, you can use variables from all plugin providers whose variables are available globally. For example, MyCitySelector variables (names of cities, regions, countries).


Extension type:
Joomla version:
3.9, , 3.10, 4.0, 4.1, 4.3.1, 5.0.0

What's new


Joomla 5 ready

Changes have been made for compatibility with Joomla 5.


The plugin implements the SubscriberInterface completely

Changelog url

The Changelog url has been added so that you can view the list of changes to the new version before updating directly in the Joomla admin panel.

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