WT SEO Meta templates

WT SEO Meta templates

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Plugin for using variables in the itle and meta description tags. Allows you to use templates for the title tag and the description meta tag. Accepts data (including SEO templates ) from additional plugin providers.

WT SEO Meta templates


To work, you install 2 plugins:

  • Main WT SEO Meta templates
  • Plugin provider for your component (for example, for Virtuemart)

The plugin provider creates and passes variables and SEO templates to the main plugin. All settings are made in the provider plugin.

At the moment, the following plugin providers are created:

  • WT SEO Meta templates - Virtuemart (online store)
  • WT SEO Meta templates - JoomShopping (online store)
  • WT SEO Meta templates - MyCitySelector (Joomla multi-region component). My City Selector component on GitHub
  • WT SEO Meta templates - Content. Joomla content articles and categories.
  • WT SEO Meta templates - Tags. Core Joomla tags (a list of tags and a list of entities by tags)
  • WT SEO Meta templates - Phoca Gallery, image gallery Phoca Gallery.

Provider plugins are installed automatically based on the detected components.


Extension type:
Joomla version:
3.9, 3.10, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, , 4.3.1, 4.3.3, 5.0.0

What's new


Joomla 5 ready

Changes have been made for compatibility with Joomla 5.


The plugin implements the SubscriberInterface completely

Changelog url

The Changelog url has been added so that you can view the list of changes to the new version before updating directly in the Joomla admin panel.

Code refactoring

Plugin code refactoring and installer script

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