WebTolk Joomla Extensions
91 Extensions
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431 Versions released
The Joomla core way to connect third-party PHP libraries.
For Joomla 3.x and Joomla 4, there is a generally accepted way to connect third-party PHP libraries. Link to official Joomla documentation. Starting with Joomla 3.1.2, the Joomla kernel class loader supports PSR-0 autoloading of namespaces. In order for the kernel loader to know about the namespace of the library, you need to use a system plugin that triggers the onAfterInitialize
event. This plugin is bundled with the WT Amocrm library. It is also used to store amoCRM credentials in Joomla,
use Webtolk\Amocrm\Amocrm;
$amocrm = new Amocrm();
$result_amo_crm = $amocrm->getAccountInfo();