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A method for obtaining data of a specific amoCRM lead by its id. The response includes custom lead fields, contacts, companies, funnel id, etc.
GET /api/v4/leads/{id}
Official documentation of the method
The method allows you to get the data of a specific transaction by ID.
The method is available according to the user's rights.
Name | Type | Description |
$id |
int|string | AmoCRM lead id. |
The documentation of the amoCRM method informs about a possible optional parameter $with
. At the moment, the WT Amocrm library does not support it.
The return value corresponds to the amoCRM documentation for this method.
stdClass Object
[id] => 20456399
[name] => Order from site № 00000041
[price] => 20205
[responsible_user_id] => 6520033
[group_id] => 0
[status_id] => 36335095
[pipeline_id] => 3753682
[loss_reason_id] =>
[created_by] => 0
[updated_by] => 0
[created_at] => 1673632365
[updated_at] => 1673632365
[closed_at] =>
[closest_task_at] =>
[is_deleted] =>
[custom_fields_values] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[field_id] => 870735
[field_name] => Comment
[field_code] =>
[field_type] => text
[values] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[value] => 00000041 afasdfasdfasdf Sergey Saratov 1000 1000 +79063049783
[is_computed] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[field_id] => 870737
[field_name] => teeest
[field_code] =>
[field_type] => textarea
[values] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[value] => 20205.0000 Sergey
[is_computed] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[field_id] => 776255
[field_name] => _ym_uid
[field_code] => _YM_UID
[field_type] => tracking_data
[values] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[value] => 1652458799256106622
[is_computed] =>
[score] =>
[account_id] => 29145994
[labor_cost] => 0
[is_price_computed] =>
[_links] => stdClass Object
[self] => stdClass Object
[href] => https://yoursubdomain.amocrm.ru/api/v4/leads/20456399?page=1&limit=50
[_embedded] => stdClass Object
[tags] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 221689
[name] => test 2
[color] =>
[companies] => Array
The official documentation says about a possible response code 401 The user is not authorized. The WT Amocrm library returns an error object of the following structure:
stdClass Object
[error_code] => 401
[error_message] => getleadById function: Error while trying to get lead details from Amo CRM. Amo CRM API response: error detail from API
use Webtolk\Amocrm\Amocrm;
$amocrm = new Amocrm();
// Lead id
$id = 204563912;
$lead = $amocrm->getLeadById($id);
$lead_name = $lead->name;
$lead_price = $lead->price;