WebTolk Joomla Extensions
91 Extensions
11 Categories
431 Versions released
Complex addition of leads with a contact and a company.
POST /api/v4/leads/complex
Official documentation of the method
The method allows you to add transactions with a contact and a company to an account in batches. The added data can be checked in duplicate control.
Name | Type | Description |
$data |
array | AmoCRM lead data array according to official documentation of the method. |
The return value corresponds to the amoCRM documentation for this method.
stdClass Object
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 21674949
[contact_id] => 33860727
[company_id] =>
[request_id] => Array
[0] => 0
[merged] =>
The official documentation says about a possible response code 401 The user is not authorized. The WT Amocrm library returns an error object of the following structure:
stdClass Object
[error_code] => 400
[error_message] => createLeadsComplex function: Error while trying to create lead in Amo CRM. Amo CRM API response: <b>request_id</b>: 0
<b>code</b>: FieldMissing
<b>path</b>: _embedded.metadata.form_id
<b>detail</b>: This field is missing.
<b>title</b>: Bad Request
<b>type</b>: https://httpstatus.es/400
<b>status</b>: 400
<b>detail</b>: Request validation failed
This code example is taken from the plugin WT amoCRM - RadicalForm. In the PHP code example, an array of lead data is prepared according to the amoCRM documentation and transmitted by the createLeadComplex
use Joomla\CMS\Date\Date;
use Webtolk\Amocrm\Amocrm;
$lead_data = [
'created_by' => 0, //The ID of the amoCRM user creating the transaction. When the value 0 is passed, the transaction will be considered created by the robot. The field is optional
// Lead name in AmoCRM
if (isset($input["rfSubject"]) && (!empty($input["rfSubject"])))
$lead_data['name'] = $input["rfSubject"];
$lead_data['name'] = $params->get('rfSubject');
if (isset($input['pipeline_id']) && (!empty($input['pipeline_id'])))
$lead_data['pipeline_id'] = $input['pipeline_id'];
elseif (!empty($this->params->get('pipeline_id')))
$lead_data['pipeline_id'] = $this->params->get('pipeline_id');
if (!empty($this->params->get('status_id')))
$lead_data['status_id'] = $this->params->get('status_id');
$lead_data['_embedded']['metadata'] = [
'category' => 'forms',
'form_id' => (isset($input['form_id']) && !empty($input['form_id'])) ? $input['form_id']: 1,
'form_name' => (isset($input['rfSubject']) && !empty($input['rfSubject'])) ? $input['rfSubject']: 'Call back from site',
'form_page' => $input['url'],
'form_sent_at' => (new Date('now'))->toUnix(),
// URL of refferer page
if (isset($input["url"]) && (!empty($input["url"])))
$lead_data['_embedded']['metadata']['referer'] = $input['url'];
$contact = [];
if (isset($input["name"]) && (!empty($input["name"])))
$contact['first_name'] = $input['name'];
// Process form data
foreach ($clear as $key => $value)
if ($key == "PHONE" || $key == "phone")
$phones = [
'field_code' => 'PHONE',
'values' => []
* If any phone numbers or emails are found
if (is_array($value))
foreach ($value as $phone)
$phones['values'][] = [
'enum_code' => 'WORK',
'value' => $phone
}//end FOREACH
* Single email or phone number
$phones['values'][] = [
'enum_code' => 'WORK',
'value' => $value
$contact['custom_fields_values'][] = $phones;
* Other form data. Not email or phone
elseif ($key == "EMAIL" || $key == "email")
$emails = [
'field_code' => 'EMAIL',
'values' => []
* If any phone numbers or emails are found
if (is_array($value))
foreach ($value as $email)
$emails['values'][] = [
'enum_code' => 'WORK',
'value' => $email
}//end FOREACH
* Single email or phone number
$emails['values'][] = [
'enum_code' => 'WORK',
'value' => $value
$contact['custom_fields_values'][] = $emails;
* Other form data. Not email or phone
}//end foreach Process form data
foreach ($this->params->get('radicalform_to_amocrm_lead_custom_fields') as $key => $value){
$radical_form_field_name = $value->radical_form_field_name;
if(array_key_exists($radical_form_field_name,$input) && !empty($input[$radical_form_field_name])){
$lead_custom_field_array = [
'field_id' => (int) $value->lead_custom_field_id,
'values' => [
'value' => $input[$radical_form_field_name]
$lead_data["custom_fields_values"][] = $lead_custom_field_array;
$lead_data['_embedded']['contacts'][] = $contact;
if ($this->params->get('lead_tag_id', 0) > 0)
$lead_data['_embedded']['tags'][0]['id'] = (int) $this->params->get('lead_tag_id');
* Add UTMs into array
$lead_data = $this->checkUtms($lead_data);
$leads[] = $lead_data;
* Create a lead
$amocrm = new Amocrm();
$result = $amocrm->createLeadsComplex($leads);