Work with categories

SW JProjects - Documentation
Category: Components

Creating categories of digital projects, working with them, multilanguage site

The category structure should reflect the logical structure of the catalog. You can create any number of categories with any level of nesting.

Creating a category

Let's go to Components - SW JProjects - Categories. Click the Create button.

Creating categories in SW JProjects Joomla

A page opens for creating a category. You will see a typical Joomla set of fields for creating a category, of which you should pay attention to the following parameters:

Category name
Alias, from which, among other things, the SEF (search engine friendly) URL of the category page is formed
Description of the category
A short text description of the category.
Parent category
The category within which the newly created one will be located. 

Category editing page in sw jprojects joomla

Metadata for SEO

The data from this tab includes the <title> tag, meta-description, meta-keywords, indexing settings, as well as an image for OpenGraph tags.

SEO settings for the program category in the component SW JProjects Joomla


Multilingual website (website in several languages)

If you are describing your digital products in several languages and have configured Joomla to be multilingual, then the language switches will be located in the upper panel of the window.

Language switch in the multilingual Joomla component SW JProjects

Filling in information for different languages takes place in one window, unlike the traditional Joomla approach, when separate categories, materials, etc. are created for different languages.

WebTolk Joomla Extensions

91 Extensions
11 Categories
434 Versions released
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