Joomla extensions

WT SEO Meta templates - Tags
Downloads 1418 Hits 835 CTR 170 % Plg Free

WT SEO Meta templates - Tags

The plugin is a data provider of the Joomla tag component for the main WT SEO Meta templates plugin. The plugin allows you to specify a unique title tag and meta description tag, as well as their pagination. If the plugin parameters are disabled completely, then it will simply generate variables that you can use when filling in the title and meta-description manually. Only Joomla 4 is supported.

WT Masonry.js
Downloads 945 Hits 671 CTR 141 % Plg Free

WT Masonry.js

Masonry script that allows you to output images in the form of brickwork. The script is designed in Joomla 4+ WebAsset, which allows you to use it in any extensions of Joomla 4 and Joomla 5. This is a plugin for Joomla developers. It does not provide ready-to-use code.

WebTolk Joomla Extensions

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